IT Consultancy & Services

SGA, Inc. information technology consultancy and services (SGA, Inc. IT) offers a wide variety of services to its clients, the services offered by this division of our company (IT) is divided in to- Advising: Where our clients are advised on how to tackle problems and implement the technology to maximize efficiency. Research: SGA, Inc. (IT) research division delivers value-added research to our clients through which they are able to easily migrate to cutting edge technology, find solutions to sector / industry problems, utilize trends, locate bottle necks and achieve goals. Services: Information technology services that we provide to our clients in the quickest, most efficient and cost effective manner.


  • Planning and implementation of web presence (online image crafting).
  • Social media coverage.
  • Security policies for enterprises.
  • Streamline organizational structure with information technology.
  • Migration to new technology.
  • Effective utilization of in-house IT staff.
  • Implementation and migration to cloud based infrastructure.


  • Streamlining IT infrastructure for better performance and lower costs.
  • High frequency trading algorithms.
  • Enhanced security solutions for exposed infrastructure.
  • Information security auditing.
  • Employee security awareness programs.
  • Social network user analysis.
  • Advanced behavioural targeting solutions.
  • Trend analysis for industry specific insights.
  • Decreasing carbon footprint of IT infrastructure.


  • Web development ranging from custom high quality to packaged low cost solutions .
  • Assembling, installing, administering, configuring, migrating and networking Microsoft Windows client (Seven, Vista, XP) and server (Server 2003 and Server 2008) environments.
  • Assembling, installing, administering, configuring, migrating and networking of large scale Linux environments.
  • Create and maintain custom social networks.
  • Securing network and system infrastructure.
  • Deployment and employee introduction to open source software.
  • Roll out, administer and troubleshoot high quality, scalable, precision networks.
  • Install, administer and troubleshoot e-mail servers.
  • Roll out, administer and troubleshoot WAN networks.
  • Install and administer routing and remote access.
  • Roll out low cost voice over internet protocol solutions in corporate environments.
  • Install, administer, troubleshoot and facilitate collocated server systems.
  • Install and administer large scale data transfer solutions.
  • Forensic data recovery.
  • System data wiping.
  • Roll out of data encryption solutions.
  • Search engine optimization.
  • Content generation.
  • Mass e-mail solutions.
  • Graphic design.
  • Large scale software integration.
  • Remote troubleshooting.