Strategic Relations

SGA, Inc. strategic relations (SGA, Inc. Sr) is the segment of SGA, Inc. that engages in marketing, branding, public relations, perception management, competitive intelligence, high power sales and management consulting. In today’s world strategic relations have become a necessary component to success. It’s an essential business tool. At SGA, Inc. we specialize in orchestrating a wide variety of strategies that transform the way our clients are perceived by their consumers, investors, industry professionals, employees, the press, etc. Services offered by SGA, Inc. (Sr):


The marketing division of SGA, Inc. (Sr) generates interest in our clients, their products and or services. We help our clients anticipate the necessities and desires of consumers and we help our clients sate the needs of their customers in a very powerful way. Whether our clients are looking to launch a new venture, reposition an established brand or more strategically manage their profile, SGA, Inc. (Sr) helps them firmly position themselves where they want to be. The strategic relations department brings in the most important component every business needs: clients and we make sure that they remain loyal to your brand after purchase. The firms marketing divisions specializes in internet, television and print marketing. We make sure that the buzz never dies down.


What makes you stand out from the crowd? To most this is a tough question to answer, and they would probably come back at you with generic answers like… “We offer the best service” or “we’re better than everyone else” and on some rare occasions “our receptionists look far better than the competitions”. Make no mistake these things don’t help you stand out; everyday prospective clients are being bombarded with messages, vying for seconds of their attention. Our clients stand out because of their brand. Their brand incites emotion in their customers; the brand makes those customers “feel a certain way”. We help our clients create a unique brand identity. Would you really rather be just another random face in the crowd?

If marketing is what gets you clients then branding is what keeps them.

Public relations.

SGA, Inc. (Sr) public relations helps our clients craft and maintain a pervasive public image. We do this by strategically managing communication between our clients and their employees, customers, investors, competitors, voters, or the general public. We perform various services ranging from drafting speeches, logo design and the creation of press releases to managing the media and publicizing the right information. The firms PR department has specialists in government relations and crisis management. The need to be portrayed in the right light is felt by most if not all, the real question is- are you going to grab this opportunity to be as powerful as you can be? We help our clients create and project an image they want the world to see.

Perception management.

The perception management division of SGA, Inc. (Sr) gives our clients the distinct ability to manage customer perception. Imagine for a second having the power of suggestion over your clients. The ability to have them believe what you wish for them to believe, in the abstract this is what perception management gives you, the ability to manage the perception of employees, customers, investors, competitors, voters, or the general public. Perception is a highly subjective being, and as long as people believe what they perceive you’ll be in control. This is a critical offering made to a very elite base of our clientele. Help your customers feel fulfilled with your products, it is your responsibility to do so.

You might not have control over how you appear to be but we can help you control how others perceive you to be. In the end, is there a difference? You are what they think you are. As a very smart man once said “perception and reality are separated by a very thin line”.

Competitive intelligence.

Through the competitive intelligence division of SGA, Inc. (Sr) we offer our clients access to strategic and competitive intelligence about their competitors, customers, rivals, products and partners. This highly valuable intel helps our clients make informed decisions, this also gives them a significant competitive advantage over rivals. Would you like to know what your competitor’s main stream of revenue is? Would you like to know if your rival company is trying to buyout your suppliers? Is your competitor over leveraged and could you destroy him with the right disclosure? Are your employees or partners skimming? We go a lot further than most others to give our clients revealing insight in to those who are around them. The CI division of SGA, Inc. (Sr) assists our clients in navigating this dangerous terrain, we make sure that our clients have every possible advantage and that they can remain on top.

High power sales.

The high power sales division was born out of SGA, Inc. (IT) it went on to become its own division in SGA, Inc. (Sr), the division is also known as the “product movers”. The high power sales division at SGA, Inc. (Sr) is hired by our clients to sell products / services to customers, the sales division is primarily made up of highly trained individuals who are skilled in multiple languages, proficient in social and cognitive psychology. The HPS division has helped our clients significantly increase their sales numbers by selling on behalf of our clients or by training our clients’ sales teams to reach maximum efficiency. The HPS division is complemented by our targeted, quality prospective lead generation capabilities. We first educate all our power sellers about our client’s product / service / business and once they are proficient we unleash them on to approved leads.

Management consulting.

Is your organization running at peak performance? Is there any way you could increase your business? SGA, Inc. (Sr) management consulting helps streamline and optimize the performance of our client’s organizations. We assist in identifying key assets, we get rid of negative influences, we locate untapped revenue potential and we help dramatically reduce attrition rates. The management consulting division restructures enterprises to utilize their full potential, we bring down our clients overhead costs as well. We train and provide incentives to all employees making sure that they are assets and not liabilities. Are you in a growth industry or one that is facing decline? We might be able to assist you in turning around your organization and we might be able to bring in fresh revenue. We’ve helped clients bring back companies that have been on the brink of disaster and we’ve restructured them back to health.

If you wish to know more you may contact us.